Output process window
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Output process window is used to watch all needed output informations and to start, pause and stop output process.

Possible buttons are:
·Start process - starts output process - creating output file(s)  
·Pause / Continue process - if you need pause process for any reason, you may pause it and then continue in process anytime you want  
·Cancel process - stops and cancel output process creation. !!! You cannot continue in process after cancel it !!!  

Other informations on output process window:

·Graphic and audio progress - possitions of the current output process.  
·Current project time - time of the output file, that is actually processed  
·Total project time - total time of the output file - you may see it on project time line too  
·Process time - tells you, how long it take from start processing  
·Remaining time (estimate) - really estimate time to the end of processing  
·Output process log - log messages - you may control some output process states here